About us

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network centres are affiliated with organisations supporting economic development, such as  chambers of commerce and industry, regional development agencies, business support centres, universities, science and technology parks.

At present, there are nearly 450 EEN centres in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and America. The Enterprise Europe Network is more than just a single centre located in different countries and regions.

There are 30 centres in Poland, grouped in four consortia:

The Network offers free of charge:

  • information and advisory services in the field of innovation, technology transfer, intellectual property, international cooperation, obtaining financial resources or law in the European Union
  • assistance in searching for foreign partners of both enterprises and research and development institutions  through databases containing technological and business cooperation offers
  • support in establishing business contacts (trade missions, brokerage meetings)
  • assistance in the implementation of innovation and development of research and obtaining funds for conducting research activities 
  • assessing the sustainability of SMEs
  • support the digital transformation of SMEs by specialised services, trainings, sources of funding

    If you are interested in taking advantage of the Enterprise Europe Network’s offer, we invite you to contact us.


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